Sunday, August 29, 2010

CeeCee Wilkes Part 3

So I missed posting last week, but I'm back for the 3rd set of questions.  

1. Do you think Tim is the one sending the money?
That is one thing that I am really unsure of.  I feel like it probably is Tim since he has a history of sending money anonymously, but I also have a bit of doubt due to what a strong emphasis that the author put on no one else knowing where those that were underground were living.  It seems somewhat unrealistic that Tim would be able to locate CeeCee/Eve with her new name and new location since they aren't supposed to know where others are.  Also, if it is Tim I can't really figure out why he would do it or how he would still have that much money since while in hiding he likely had to distance himself from the family fortune.

2. So far, there's been a lot of discussion on CeeCee/Eve and her choices. What choice(s) would you make differently from her?

Well I would have said no way when approached to take part in this scheme, for one.  And then there was the whole issue of running away with someone else's baby.  I feel like I would have resisted that one too. 

3. What do you like about Jack? Are there things about him that you don't like?

I like how Jack is so willing to accept Eve and her child and his willingness to include Cory in their dates.  He accepts that in order to have a relationship with Eve, he will also have one with Cory.  

4. What are the differences between CeeCee/Eve's relationship with Tim and Eve's relationship with Jack?

Eve's relationship with Jack seems more like a normal, healthy adult relationship, whereas her relationship with Tim was based on him want to use her in his plan.  I do feel a bit sorry for Jack though, since we all know that Eve is not being completely honest with him and building any future that they will have on a stack of lies.

5. Do you think Eve is to blame for Cory's fears? What could she do, specifically, to help Cory feel like less of an outsider?

I don't think Eve is completely to blame for Cory's fears.  I'm sure the over-protectiveness did play some part in it, but to an extent some of Cory's issues seem like neuroses.  

6. Do you think Eve appropriately answered Cory's questions about her father? Do you think Cory will question her father more as she grows older?

I think Cory will definitely question her heritage more as she grows older.  While Eve has tried to close all doors by saying he was dead and giving him a very common name, kids still want to know where they came from.  I can see Cory wanting to look into finding out more about her father.


  1. I really agree with your response to #1.

    I enjoyed your post and the book!

  2. I totally agree on 6. I don't think we've seen the end of Cory's search to know more about her father.
